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Online Security Tips

Protect yourself, your identification, and your online accounts against phishing, fraud and hackers with these smart practices.


Online Banking Security Tips

Create a strong password for your online banking account. A strong password:

  • Includes at least 8 characters, and ideally 10 characters.
  • Does not contain your user name, real name, or company name.
  • Does not contain a complete word.
  • Is significantly different from previous and related passwords.
  • Contains characters from each of the following four categories: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Install an antivirus and anti-spyware software on your computer and keep it up-to-date with the latest releases. We recommend several free software products, including Spybot Search and Destroy and Malwarebytes.

Take extra care when accessing your account from a public access computer (including your office computer). Always:

  • Log off when you are done.
  • Verify any “Remember Me” boxes are NOT checked.
  • Delete your temporary files and browsing history when done.
  • Do not leave the computer unattended when logged in.
  • Be aware of ’snoops’ who could read your information.


Tips to Prevent I.D. Theft and Fraud

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information, like your name, Social Security number, or credit card number, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes.

The FTC estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. Friends And Family Credit Union reminds you that you must be careful to protect your private financial information from thieves in your neighborhood and on the Internet.

First, NEVER GIVE YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION unless you initiated the phone call or transaction. Friends And Family Credit Union will NEVER email you or text you to request account numbers, Social Security Numbers or similar private information. If any company or institution requests this information, verify their authenticity first and then call a phone number or visit a website that you know is authentic.

When you access your credit union online banking and loan applications, always use our website directly at

How do thieves steal an identity?

Identity theft starts with the misuse of your personally identifying information such as your name and Social Security number, credit card numbers, or other financial account information. For identity thieves, this information is as good as gold.
Skilled identity thieves may use a variety of methods to get hold of your information, including:

  1. Dumpster Diving. They rummage through trash looking for bills or other paper with your personal information on it.
  2. Skimming. They steal credit/debit card numbers by using a special storage device when processing your card.
  3. Phishing. They pretend to be financial institutions or companies and send spam or pop-up messages to get you to reveal your personal information.
  4. Changing Your Address. They divert your billing statements to another location by completing a change of address form.
  5. Old-Fashioned Stealing. They steal wallets and purses; mail, including bank and credit card statements; pre-approved credit offers; and new checks or tax information. They steal personnel records, or bribe employees who have access.
  6. Pretexting.  They use false pretenses to obtain your personal information from financial institutions, telephone companies, and other sources. 

How can you find out if your identity was stolen?

The best way to find out is to monitor your accounts and bank statements each month, and check your credit report on a regular basis. If you check your credit report regularly, you may be able to limit the damage caused by identity theft. For more information, visit the FTC’s Detect Identity Theft section.

You should also monitor and review your credit report every year. You may request your free credit report online, request your report by phone or request your report through the mail at, a centralized service for consumers to request free annual credit reports.

What should you do if your identity is stolen?

Filing a police report, checking your credit reports, notifying creditors, and disputing any unauthorized transactions are some of the steps you must take immediately to restore your good name. To learn more about these steps and more, visit the the FTC’s DEFEND:  Recover from Identity Theft section. To file a complaint with the FTC, click here.

Online Banking FAQs

Is Online Banking Safe?
Yes, Online Banking utilizes SSL 128-bit encryption for your protection.

What is SSL?
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol used by Web browsers and Web servers to help users protect their data during transfer. An SSL Certificate contains a public and private key pair as well as verified identification information. When a browser (or client) points to a secured domain, the server shares the public key with the client to establish an encryption method and a unique session key. The client confirms that it recognizes and trusts the issuer of the SSL Certificate. This process is known as the “SSL handshake” and it can begin a secure session that protects message privacy and message integrity.

What is 128-bit encryption and how does it protect my account?
Encryption is a mathematical process of coding and decoding information. Encryption ensures that information is scrambled in transit so that only the intended recipient can decode it. The number of bits (40-bit, 56-bit, 128-bit, 256-bit) tells you the size of the key. Like a longer password, a larger key has more possible combinations. In fact, 128-bit encryption is one trillion times stronger than 40-bit encryption. At current computing speeds, a hacker with the time, tools, and motivation to attack would require a trillion years to break into a session with 128-bit encryption.